NOTE: Everybody is completely aware of the lacking performance of the current Mupen64plus. This is as a result of there being no dynamic recompiler right now, it just uses a cached interpreter core instead. Mupen64plus requires more memory to be allocated than Hbmenu allows for.

#Ps vita retroarch theme 1.7.5 install#
You will need to install RetroArch NSP and boot it straight from the main menu in order to be able to use this core.This is an early port of Mupen64 Plus for the libnx Switch port! Please be aware of the following: Let’s quickly run through some of them: Mupen64plus Just a few days after launch, we already have a few new cores for the Nintendo Switch available for Nintendo Switch! You can grab these new cores by going to ‘Online Updater’ -> ‘Update Cores’ from within RetroArch, and downloading them one by one. Under no circumstances are we liable for any damages arising from the usage of this file on your Nintendo Switch. USE OF THIS FILE IS THEREFORE DONE AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND IS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND BY US, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. WHEN USING THIS, YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED THAT A REAL RISK EXISTS THAT YOU MIGHT BE BANNED. Please be aware of the following disclaimer that should pop up before you use this: You can grab this from our Downloads page here. Mupen64plus will only work through the NSP file. The Mupen64plus core requires more memory to be allocated than Hbmenu currently allows for.